Lake Simcoe: Beaverton hut workers rescue angler from water

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Lake Simcoe: Beaverton hut workers rescue angler from water

楼层:#1  帖子xiaolu » 09 3月 2018 05:35


March 7, 2018 News Report from

Beaverton ice hut workers rescue angler from the water

Man had been stranded for 10 to 15 minutes in water before being helped to shore

There is community support in Beaverton to recognize the efforts of four employees with Mitchell's Ice Huts who risked their own lives to save a man stranded in deep water on Lake Simcoe late last month.

It began the morning of Feb. 21, 2018 when they noticed an ATV rider, quite a ways off in the distance, heading across Lake Simcoe from an area north of Beaverton. The ice hut workers were heading out as well to a trout line, some 10 kilometres away.

“It had rained and quite a bit of it had accumulated on top of the ice,” Brad Garringer recalls. “We saw him hit the lagoon.”

A lagoon, he says, is a pocket of water on top of the ice. Sometimes they are shallow, but they can reach as much as six or seven feet in depth. They were keeping an eye on him for a while, but were heading in the opposite direction. Hitting lagoons in these conditions isn’t all that unusual.

Still, on the way back, they figured it would be good to check on him. From a few kilometres away, Garringer and his colleagues Darion Howe, Kyle Howe and Eric Hall, could tell he was in the water. By the time they reached him, they estimated the man — who had been heading out to fish — was in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Hypothermia was a real threat.

“It had gotten pretty deep for him. He had been fully submerged at one point,” Garringer says. The man was staying with his side-by-side ATV and had tried to reach help, but Howe says there was no one else for about three kilometres.

Garringer says they coaxed him to swim a bit. Hall waded into waist-deep water. When they got him out, the man was taken into their covered transport vehicle. Once they reached shore, there was an ambulance waiting to take him to hospital for hypothermia treatment.

“We didn’t get his name,” Howe says. Garringer thinks he was from Brechin.

On that day, Garringer says, it would have been really easy to mistake a shallow puddle for a deep lagoon. “There was a lot water on top of the ice. It all looks similar, but some are deeper than others.”

You always need to be cautious on the lake, he says.

Beaverton-area Coun. Cyndi Schaffer says the ice hut workers deserve commendation for their efforts. The steps they took could have saved the man’s life.

She plans on bringing the incident to the attention of Victoria-Kawartha Lakes-Brock MP Jamie Schmale and the Durham Region Police Service.

“I hope that these gentleman will be recognized for their acts of bravery,” Schaffer says.
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Re: Lake Simcoe: Beaverton hut workers rescue angler from wa

楼层:#2  帖子Sergeantpepper » 09 3月 2018 07:52

they look white :laugh3
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Re: Lake Simcoe: Beaverton hut workers rescue angler from wa

楼层:#3  帖子边走边钓 » 09 3月 2018 18:39

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