紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

相约钓鱼, 探讨钓技, 结交钓友, 分享渔获 。。。

Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#26  帖子CharmCell » 01 5月 2020 15:43

在网上转船的OwnerShip,当时就给了一个90天的临时牌照。请问正式牌照大概什么时候能收到? :shout
还有正式牌照是一张类似车的一张纸还是和临时牌照一样,一个PDF文件? :fishb
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#27  帖子Stradic » 02 5月 2020 10:16

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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#28  帖子CharmCell » 02 5月 2020 21:08

Stradic @ 周六 5月 02, 2020 10:16 am 写道: 一个PDF文件,自己打印,有效期十年

谢谢 :shake 大概需要多长时间 :fishb
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#29  帖子Stradic » 02 5月 2020 22:35

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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#30  帖子CharmCell » 03 5月 2020 23:59

Stradic @ 周六 5月 02, 2020 10:35 pm 写道: 一周左右,不过现在这情况就不知道了。

谢谢 :up
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#31  帖子CharmCell » 06 5月 2020 13:43

谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#32  帖子xiaolu » 06 5月 2020 13:49

CharmCell @ Wed May 06, 2020 1:43 pm 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#33  帖子blizzards » 06 5月 2020 14:23

CharmCell @ 06 May 2020 13:43 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

恭喜恭喜! :up
这个是Safety equipment的清单
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#34  帖子blizzards » 06 5月 2020 14:26

xiaolu @ 06 May 2020 13:49 写道:
CharmCell @ Wed May 06, 2020 1:43 pm 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3

站长知道VHF哪个频道能私人聊吗? 今年湖上看见你可以呼你,就不用喊了 LOL,去年考完那个证全不记得了,只记得emergency是16。
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#35  帖子风帆扬 » 06 5月 2020 14:43

blizzards @ 06 May 2020 14:26 写道:
xiaolu @ 06 May 2020 13:49 写道:
CharmCell @ Wed May 06, 2020 1:43 pm 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3

站长知道VHF哪个频道能私人聊吗? 今年湖上看见你可以呼你,就不用喊了 LOL,去年考完那个证全不记得了,只记得emergency是16。



VHF Basics
By Don Casey


The lowly VHF radio remains the most versatile communication device for a boat. It is the only communication device many pleasure boats are equipped with, and it is required by law before you can put any other marine radio aboard. Due in part to its universality, the VHF is arguably the most valuable piece of safety gear aboard, delivering any call for assistance to dozens or hundreds of nearby listening ears.

Modern hand-held VHF radios are full featured and extremely convenient, and they have the significant advantage in an emergency of being independent of the boat's electrical system. Where maximum range and/or continuous use are more important, you will want a fixed-mount unit. If your budget allows, having both offers additional advantages, such as two-way communications with an excursion party (but transmissions from ashore are prohibited without a coast-station permit).

Not a telephone
Cellular telephones work aboard as long as you are not out of range of a shoreside tower, but the cell phone is not a substitute for the VHF. Well away from shore a cell phone will not work at all, and even within cell coverage the quickest aid in a real emergency will come from another vessel nearby. Unless someone you know is aboard, you cannot get their attention with a cell phone.

Cell phones aboard are great for calling someone ashore--probably the only way you can place a telephone call since all U.S Marine Operators save one have ceased operation. Cell phones are also an excellent choice near shore for conversations with friends on other vessels, providing a private conversation and leaving the VHF airwaves free for other traffic. However, many boaters use the VHF much like a telephone, calling other boats to relay information, to set up a rendezvous, or often just to chat. Before you join in, however, you should recognize the differences between VHF radio and telephone communication:

Radio conversations are not private. When you talk on the VHF, everyone within range tuned to that channel is listening.

Regulations require radio conversations to be for "operational" purposes, which is interpreted liberally by most pleasure boat operators. Sharing weather information, confirming a date, even obtaining a recipe for fish stew are defensible uses, but social chit-chat--say, talk about sports, movies, or shoreside activities is not. This regulation is widely ignored in many areas, but if someone calls you down about it, he or she is right.

A radio conversation ties up the channel you are using. No one else within a 25 to 30 mile radius can use it until you sign off. This is significant because only five channels are legitimately available for pleasure-boat-to-pleasure-boat communication. Think of this situation as an airport terminal with a single bank of five pay phones. If callers are lined up three-deep while some blockhead drones on and on about the size of the mosquitoes in Maine, you can be sure he won't be the only unhappy camper. In high-traffic areas, keep VHF conversations short.

Radio etiquette
Using a VHF radio is as easy as announcing yourself on an apartment intercom. Turn the power on, set the channel to 16, and listen for a few seconds. If Channel 16 isn't in use, key the microphone--meaning squeeze the transmit button on its side--and say the name of the boat you are calling twice, followed by the name of your boat, and then "over." Release the mike button. A typical call transmission would sound like this:

"Cowboy, Cowboy. Tambourine, over." You can say "this is Tambourine," but keeping calls as cryptic as possible is desirable. Since VHF licensing was eliminated (except for vessels traveling into foreign waters), you no longer need to announce your radio call sign. Cowboy will respond "Tambourine, (this is) Cowboy." If Cowboy doesn't respond, wait two minutes and try again. You are permitted three tries two minutes apart, but common sense should tell you that if Cowboy has failed to respond twice, the third transmission is just airwave pollution. Wait at least 15 minutes before you make another attempt. Few things will give your on-the-water neighbors a worse opinion of you than listening to you call over and over and over. They're not there, already; give it a rest.

When Cowboy does respond, key your mike and say "Six eight?" Channel 16 is reserved exclusively for calling and distress. Once contact is established, you must switch immediately to a working channel. The five channels designated for non- commercial ship-to-ship communications are 68, 69, 71, 72, and 78A. Channel 9 used to be in this group, but has been redesignated as an alternate calling (but not distress) channel. Cowboy confirms your channel selection by repeating it. By either rotating a knob or pushing a button, you select channel 68 on your radio, key the mike, and say "Cowboy. Tambourine." When Cowboy responds, you have your conversation, ending each transmission with "over" so Cowboy will know when you are finished and it is time to respond. When your conversation is complete, your last transmission should be "Tambourine, out." Cowboy will likewise say "Cowboy, out." "Out" lets anyone waiting to use the channel know you are finished with it.

Sometimes when you switch to a working channel, you find it occupied. In that case, check the other four to find an empty one, then go back to 16 and say, "Cowboy. Tambourine. Seven one." If you and Cowboy speak regularly, saying just "seven one" may be adequate. Either way, Cowboy will respond "seven one." You both switch to Channel 71 and have your conversation.

Use low power
All fixed-mount VHF radios can transmit at either 25 watts or 1 watt. The maximum power from a handheld is typically 5 watts. With either type, if your radio contact is nearby, set the power setting to low (1 watt) to reduce the distance the signal
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#36  帖子CharmCell » 07 5月 2020 22:51

xiaolu @ 周三 5月 06, 2020 1:49 pm 写道:
CharmCell @ Wed May 06, 2020 1:43 pm 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3

老大。这个 VHF Radio 是必须的吗? :fishb
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#37  帖子Sergeantpepper » 08 5月 2020 16:29

CharmCell @ Thu May 07, 2020 10:51 pm 写道:
xiaolu @ 周三 5月 06, 2020 1:49 pm 写道:
CharmCell @ Wed May 06, 2020 1:43 pm 写道: 谢谢大家的帮助 :up
今天拿到船的 OwnerShip了 :roflmao 上面说要“ A copy of this document must be kept on board the vessel at all times.”
请问大家 :除了这个 OwnerShip,救生衣,船桨外,还有什么文件或者设备是必须要must be kept on board the vessel at all times.的 :cheers
小白一枚 :shout

开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3

老大。这个 VHF Radio 是必须的吗? :fishb

Carrying a VHF is not mandatory
Most trolling boats on the great lakes carry them
Only great lakes have Coast Guard Stations to respond to your distress call anyways
VHF signals are only responsive under the Line-of-sight criteria

"Digital selective calling (DSC) distress calls are sent automatically with the push of a button. They tell the Coast Guard who you are (the name of your boat) and where you are (Lat. and Long). Your digital signal can be received and accurately decoded under conditions where voice messages are difficult to understand. Your message is automatically stored and displayed on every DSC radio that receives it and the Coast Guard’s response automatically switches your radio to Channel 16 for voice communication."
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#38  帖子Sergeantpepper » 08 5月 2020 16:41

Just thought 比肩而立 should carry one (VHF) for being so active between Humber river & Center Island :laugh3
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#39  帖子比肩而立 » 08 5月 2020 18:47

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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#40  帖子风帆扬 » 08 5月 2020 21:10

Sergeantpepper @ 08 May 2020 16:29 写道:
CharmCell @ Thu May 07, 2020 10:51 pm 写道:
xiaolu @ 周三 5月 06, 2020 1:49 pm 写道:
开船的船牌 (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)? 使用 VHF Radio 的 Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement (ROC(M))? :laugh3

老大。这个 VHF Radio 是必须的吗? :fishb

Carrying a VHF is not mandatory
Most trolling boats on the great lakes carry them
Only great lakes have Coast Guard Stations to respond to your distress call anyways
VHF signals are only responsive under the Line-of-sight criteria

"Digital selective calling (DSC) distress calls are sent automatically with the push of a button. They tell the Coast Guard who you are (the name of your boat) and where you are (Lat. and Long). Your digital signal can be received and accurately decoded under conditions where voice messages are difficult to understand. Your message is automatically stored and displayed on every DSC radio that receives it and the Coast Guard’s response automatically switches your radio to Channel 16 for voice communication."

Major General (少将)
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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#41  帖子blizzards » 12 5月 2020 11:29

风帆扬 @ 08 May 2020 21:10 写道:
Sergeantpepper @ 08 May 2020 16:29 写道:
CharmCell @ Thu May 07, 2020 10:51 pm 写道:

老大。这个 VHF Radio 是必须的吗? :fishb

Carrying a VHF is not mandatory
Most trolling boats on the great lakes carry them
Only great lakes have Coast Guard Stations to respond to your distress call anyways
VHF signals are only responsive under the Line-of-sight criteria

"Digital selective calling (DSC) distress calls are sent automatically with the push of a button. They tell the Coast Guard who you are (the name of your boat) and where you are (Lat. and Long). Your digital signal can be received and accurately decoded under conditions where voice messages are difficult to understand. Your message is automatically stored and displayed on every DSC radio that receives it and the Coast Guard’s response automatically switches your radio to Channel 16 for voice communication."


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Re: 紧急求助:在买船,卖家说船的OwnerShip找不到了 有问题吗?

楼层:#42  帖子吃瓜群众 » 13 5月 2020 12:08

jimi @ 23 Apr 2020 17:38 写道:
xiaolu @ 周四 4月 23, 2020 5:16 pm 写道:
胖哥 @ Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:39 pm 写道:


考虑到目前的疫情, 您不买车, 我不买车? 嗯。 但是, 如果说整个安省一千三百多万人,没可能有一个人要买车(买新车,卖车, 或者买二手车),没人相信。。。。


买了,拖到家里,放着,等着~ :roflmao
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